Configuration Files Numeric Formats Configuration

This configuration files section defines the numeric formats used by default in XQuad. Numeric formats can be created and modified in the 'Numeric Format' dialog box.

Format list definition section: \FORMATLIST{...}

This section presents the format-list accessible from XQuad. The definition of formats from the list appears between the opening bracket "{" and corresponding closing bracket "}". Each element of the format list is defined as described below.

Format definition section: \FORMAT{...}

A format is defined by \FORMATX where X is an entity which uniquely identifies the format.

Watch out for problems that might occur when using more than one configuration file. Preventive measures must be in place in order to insure that the same name is not used more than once between the system configuration files (xquadrc) and the user configuration files (.xquadrc). To avoid this, the user configuration files can be set to start with X at 100.

Formats definition parameters appear between the opening bracket "{" and corresponding closing bracket "}". They contain:

  1. \NAME{name} where name represents the name attributed to the format in corresponding XQuad menus.
  2. \LOCK locks a format defined in the XQuad format base so that it cannot be deleted from the 'Numeric Format' dialog box.
  3. \HIDE hides the defined format so that it does not appear in XQuad format lists.

Each numeric format allows formatting of a specific type of number. According to the format type (standard numbers, boolean values, the format parameters are not always the same. Only available parameters are taken into account.

The format types and its options are:

  1. \NORMAL_TYPE is a format type is for simple numeric values. The available parameters are:
  2. \UNIT_TYPE is a format type is for numeric values requiring an identifying unit (monetary formats, for example). The available parameters are:
  3. \PERCENT_TYPE is a format type is for numeric values to be displayed as percentage values (numbers followed by % sign). The available parameters are:
  4. \EXPONANTIAL_TYPEis a format type is for numeric values requiring in an exponential form (for example: 1.123E+15). The available parameters are:
  5. \FRACTION_TYPE is a format type is for numbers to be displayed as numeric fractions (0,125 will be displayed as 1/8). The available parameters are:
  6. \BOOLEAN_TYPE is a format type is for boolean values. The available parameters are:
  7. \DAY_TYPE is a format type is for numbers to be displayed as the names of days of the week ("Monday" for example). The available parameters are:
  8. \MONTH_TYPEis a format type is for numbers to be displayed as the names of months of the year ("January" for example). The available parameters are:
  9. \TIME_TYPEis a format type is for numbers to be displayed as time (14:21:12PM for example) The parameter is:
  10. \DATE_TYPEis a format type is for numbers to be displayed as dates (25/12/1995 for example). The parameter is:
  11. \DATE_AND_TIME_TYPE is a format type is for numbers to be displayed as dates followed by time (25/12/1995 14:21 PM for example). The parameter is:

A special numeric format must appear in one of the configuration files. This format must be named "Generic" and must be defined with the most basic parameters possible more the \GENERIC parameter. In special cases, this generic format will be applied to the cells when the format type is not suitable with the content.

Example :

    \FORMAT0{\NAME{Standard} \COMMA44
    \FORMAT10{\NAME{Money [2d, neg. red]}
              \MIN_PREC2 \MAX_PREC2
              \SPACE3 \UNIT{$}
              \COMMA44 \COLORNEG6 \UNIT_TYPE
    \FORMAT30{\NAME{Date [MM/DD/YY]}
                  \PADDING_ZERO \DAY
                  \STRING{/} \MONTH \STRING{/}
    \FORMAT34{\NAME{Time [HH:MM:SS [AP]M]}
                \PADDING_SPACE \HOUR12
                \STRING{:} \PADDING_ZERO
                \MINUTE \STRING{:} \SECOND
                \STRING{\x20} \HOUR_AM_PM}

XQuad (c)1996,97 Axene