Configuration files Colors Configuration

This configuration files section defines a color list.

Color list definition section: \COLORLIST{...}

This section presents the color-list accessible from corresponding XQuad menus. The definition of colors from the list appear between the opening bracket "{" and corresponding closing bracket "}". Each element of the color list is defined as described below.

Colors definition section: \COLORX{...}

A color is defined by \COLORX where X is an entity which uniquely identifies the color.

Watch out for problems that might occur when using more than one configuration file. Preventive measures must be in place in order to insure that the same name is not used more than once between the system configuration files (xclamationrc) and the user configuration files (.xclamationrc). To avoid this, the user configuration files can be set to start with X at 100.

Colors definition parameters appear between the opening bracket "{" and corresponding closing bracket "}". They contain:

  1. \NAME{name} where name represents the name attributed to the color in corresponding XQuad menus.
  2. \TRANSPARENCYXXX where XXX represents the color's degree of transparency; in the current version only two choices are possible: 0 or 255.
  3. There are several ways to define a color:
    1. \GRAY{ b } where b represents a percentage of white set between 0 and 1, thus defining a shade of gray.
    2. \CMYK{ c m y k } where c, m, y, k represents percentages set between 0 and 1 (0 for 0% and 1 for 100%) for the components Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and blacK, respectively, of the defined color.
    3. \RGB{ r g b } where r, g, and b represent percentages set between 0 and 1 (0 for 0% and 1 for 100%) for the components Red, Green, and Blue, respectively, of the defined color.
  4. \LOCK locks a color defined in the XQuad color base so that it cannot be deleted from the 'Color Preparation' dialog box.
  5. \HIDE hides the defined color so that it does not appear in XQuad color lists.


        \CMYK{.3 .2 .4 .6}
        \RGB{0 1 0}

XQuad (c)1996,97 Axene