Horizontal toolbar Graphic Manipulation

The graphic manipulation toolbar provide tools to create, configure bars, curves, layers, pies chart, etc. The user can modify the stacking order of the graphics frames.

Image: Graphic manipulation toolbar.
Screen shot: Graphic manipulation toolbar

First section of the toolbar:

Second Section of the toolbar:

All frames are positioned on different planes. With these tools the user may modify the stacking order of frames.

Third Section of the Toolbar:

The buttons in this section fulfill two roles: creation of framed graphs based upon data from selected cells, or alteration of a selected graph. The function of these buttons therefore depends on what is selected: worksheet cells or a frame containing a graph. When one of these buttons creates a new graph, XQuad shifts to frame creation mode; once defined this frame will contain the new graph. If XQuad cannot determine the exact area of a selected cell region, the "Graph Configuration" dialog box is automatically opened.

Fourth Section of the Icon Bar:

The buttons in this section modify the configuration of the selected graph.

Last Section of the Toolbar:

XQuad (c)1996,97 Axene