Sheet Headers

You can select whole columns or rows by clicking on the spreadsheet headers, and then you can modify rows height and columns width.

Image: En-têtes des lignes et colonnes
Screen snap: sheet headers

Header origin

The rectangular area at the intersection of the horizontal header bar and the vertical header bar is the header origin. The origin is viewable only if the column headers and the rows headers are viewable too.

When you click on the origin, the whole spreadsheet is selected and cell at position A1 becomes the active cell. Selecting the menu entry "Selection / Select all cells" has the same effect.

Column headers

The column header bar is on top of the spreadsheet and displays column coordinates (letters series). You can hide the bar by selecting the menu entry "View / Hide column headers".

Selecting a whole column

You must click on middle of the wanted column header. The first cell from top of the column becomes active.

You can also select a column range:

  1. Click on the first column header without releasing the mouse button.
  2. Move the mouse pointer to the last column header (to cancel the selection, press the right mouse button).
  3. Release the mouse button.

You can select several column ranges by keeping the 'Ctrl' key pressed during all the operations.

To widen or to shrink the selection, you have to press the 'Shift' key and either use the horizontal arrows keys or click on a new column header.

Modifying a column width

You can either do it by yourself or let it done automatically.

To modify the column width by yourself:

  1. Press the left mouse button (and do not release) on the header's right border of the column you want to modify.
  2. Drag the mouse left to shrink or right to widen the column width header (to cancel the modification, press the right mouse button).
  3. Release the mouse button.

To automatically modify the column width, you have to double-click on the header's right border of the column you want to modify. Then Xquad will compute the optimal width, taking each column's cells content into consideration.

If you modify the width of one among several columns in a range or a sequence, the modified width will be applied to all selected columns.

Row headers

The row header bar is on left of the spreadsheet and displays rows coordinates (numbers). You can hide the bar by selecting the menu entry "View / Hide rows headers".

Selecting a whole row

You must click on middle of the wanted row header. The first cell from left of the row becomes active.

You can also select a row range:

  1. Click on the first row header without releasing the mouse button.
  2. Move the mouse pointer to the last row header (to cancel the selection, press the right mouse button).
  3. Release the mouse button.

You can select several row ranges by keeping the 'Ctrl' key pressed during all the operations.

To widen or to shrink the selection, you have to press the 'Shift' key and either use the vertical arrows keys, or the 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' keys, or click on a new column header.

Modifying a row height

You can either do it by yourself or let it done automatically.

To modify the row height by yourself:

  1. Press the left mouse button (and do not release) on the header's bottom border of the row you want to modify.
  2. Drag the mouse up to shrink or down to widen the row height header (to cancel the modification, press the right mouse button).
  3. Release the mouse button.

To automatically modify the row height, you have to double-click on the header's bottom border of the row you want to modify. Then Xquad will compute the optimal height, taking each line's cells content into consideration.

If you modify the height of one among several row in a range or a sequence, the modified height will be applied to all selected lines.

XQuad (c)1996,97. Axene