Table of contents

Ch.1 - Introduction

  1. Overview
  2. General Interface
  3. Using Help

Ch.2 - Worksheet

  1. Document window
  2. Formula Bar
  3. Row and Column headings
  4. Cells

Ch.3 - Menu Bar

  1. File Menu
  2. Edit Menu
  3. Selection Menu
  4. View Menu
  5. Format Menu
  6. Graphing Menu
  7. Windows Menu
  8. Help Menu

Ch.4 - Horizontal Toolbar

  1. General Command Bar
  2. Font Command Bar
  3. Text Command Bar
  4. Cell Design Bar
  5. Graphic Command Bar
  6. Zoom Adjustment Bar

Ch.5 - Dialog Boxes

  1. Printer Configuration
  2. Print
  3. Color Preparation
  4. Pasting a Function
  5. Reach cell
  6. Editing numbers
  7. Cell Background
  8. Cell Borders
  9. Font composition
  10. Frame Attributes
  11. Row and Column Size
  12. Graphics Configuration
  13. File Selectors
  14. Font Replacement


  1. Functions listed in alphabetical order
  2. Functions listed by type
  3. Configuration Files
  4. Using the Keyboard
  5. Using the Mouse
  6. License
  7. License

XQuad® version 1.4 ©1995-98 Axene, 30 Montgomery Street, suite 604, Jersey City, NJ 07302-3821. All rights reserved. Xclamation, XQuad, XAllWrite, XMayday and Axene are registered trademarks of Axene. All company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their repective owners.

XQuad (c)1996-98 Axene